
ACME Cub Training specializes in float instruction and off-airport training and tail-wheel endorsments.  We also give 61.56 flight reviews and Instrument Proficiency Checks.

We teach people the techniques need to pass the practical flight test for a Private or Commercial flight test and Instrument ratings. Our training does more than just teach the basics.

We give pilots the skills to make good decisions and teach techniques to get the best performance from their aircraft.

We keep a Cub on floats from May through September.  During the rest of the year we outfit our aircraft with big tires or with wheel skis.  We teach pilots to evaluate conditions to safely take off and land on beaches, swamps, and rough areas.

We always keep a Cub on tires for tail-wheel training and off-airport training.

Our 1955, IFR equipped, Cessna-180 is equipped with Federal 3600 wheel-skis making it a complex aircraft.  This aircraft is available for the ten hours of complex training needed for a commercial rating.  We offer 61.31 (e) complex training, 61.31 (f) high-performance training, and 61.31 (i) tail-wheel training in this Cessna 180.